
Het Duivelsei


Exp Plaza Continuous
Het Duivelsei
14:00 - 22:00 Bakkerij 2 - Exp Plaza


Exp Plaza Continuous
Het Duivelsei
10:00 - 22:00 Bakkerij 2 - Exp Plaza


Exp Plaza Continuous
Het Duivelsei
10:00 - 17:00 Bakkerij 2 - Exp Plaza

Join us this weekend to play some board- and card games. We've got Munchkin, Bidder Up! (Koehandel), Exploding Kittens, and many more games, both easy and more difficult to learn. In the evenings we will be hosting games of The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, it's to die for! We are open every day of the convention, so come visit us for relaxation and fun games. 

Need some help with choosing a game or with figuring out the rules? No problem, we are here to help! We have made a special selection of games from our collection for this weekend, of games that are both easy and accessible as well as games which are more challenging. Furthermore, we've chosen the best of the best for The Future Is Cow. So make sure to stop by and don't be afraid to ask for a good game to play or bring your favorite game to play with us! 

Want to learn more about the association Het Duivelsei? Check out our site for more information about us.

